OIC Strongly Condemns Quran Burning in Sweden, Calls for Preventive Measures

OIC Strongly Condemns Quran Burning in Sweden, Calls for Preventive Measures

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has issued a strong condemnation of the burning of a Quran copy by a Swedish extremist.

The act was deemed contradictory to international efforts promoting tolerance, moderation, and the rejection of extremism. The OIC reiterated its condemnation of such reprehensible acts committed by extremists and urged governments worldwide to take effective measures to prevent their recurrence.

Emphasizing adherence to the UN Charter, the OIC highlighted the importance of respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms on a global scale.

The incident occurred when Salwan Momika burned a copy of the Muslim holy book in front of the Stockholm Mosque under police protection. The provocative act coincided with the major Islamic festival of Eid al-Adha and triggered widespread condemnation from various Islamic nations, including Turkey, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Senegal, Morocco, and Mauritania.


The United States described the act as deeply disrespectful but did not officially condemn it.

Also, in an official letter to UN Secretary-General António Guterres, Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani expressed his criticism of the Swedish government for allowing and supporting the sacrilege of the Holy Quran. He highlighted the creation of an environment conducive to the promotion of extremist ideologies and wrongful actions.

Ayatollah Sistani stressed that freedom of expression should not justify such shameful behavior that violates the sanctities of more than two billion Muslims. He called for the establishment of peaceful coexistence based on respect for rights and mutual respect among all religious followers.


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