Iran, Algeria Move to Lift Visa Requirements

Iran, Algeria Move to Lift Visa Requirements

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian and Algerian foreign ministers weighed plans to ease visa requirements reciprocally.

In comments at a joint press conference with his Algerian counterpart Ahmed Attaf in Tehran on Saturday, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said they have held fruitful talks on a broad range of issues.

He said Iran and Algeria have agreed to lift the political visa requirements in the first step before easing visa requirements for ordinary travelers.

Pointing to plans to hold a meeting of the supreme joint commission of the two countries in their respective capitals, Amirabdollahian said Iran and Algeria will promote cooperation in various sectors, such as science and technology, new energies, agriculture, medical equipment, medicine, tourism, and mine industries.

“We also held talks on the regional issues. Algeria prevented the Israeli regime’s membership in the African Union. The role of Algeria in bringing Syria back to the Arab Union was constructive,” he stated.

For his part, Attaf said positive negotiations have been held about the regional and international developments.

He said the fruitful talks would give a boost to the relations between the two countries, which have great potential for the expansion of economic ties.

The Algerian foreign minister noted that Tehran and Algiers share views on the solutions to the problems in Ukraine, Palestine, Yemen and Libya.

“I emphasized that we (Algeria) are delighted at the positive developments between the Arab countries, specifically Saudi Arabia, and Iran. We hope that it would contribute to stronger convergence in the region and that trust and cooperation would be the basis of relations among the countries,” Attaf stated.

In a telephone conversation last week, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Algerian counterpart Abdelmadjid Tebboune talked about plans for the enhancement of relations between the two countries.

Highlighting the Iranian government’s determination to develop relations with friendly and aligned Islamic countries, Raisi expressed hope that the relations with Algeria, especially in the commercial and economic fields, would expand day by day, considering the significant mutual capacities.

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