Iran Prepared to Share Scientific Achievements with Algeria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi expressed the country’s readiness to share its scientific and technological experiences with Algeria.

In a meeting with Algerian Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf in Tehran on Saturday, Raisi said the two friendly and Muslim countries have the capacities to develop ties in various fields.

He praised Algeria's revolutionary history and the resilience of its people against colonialism, and regarded the relationship between Iran and Algeria as one of friendship, brotherhood, and shared Muslim values.

This close relationship could extend to various areas, including trade and economy, he added.

Pointing to Iran's remarkable scientific and technological achievements, Raisi expressed Iran's readiness to share these accomplishments with Algeria, Press TV reported.

The Iranian president emphasized the need to increase interactions among Muslim countries to form a strong coalition of aligned Islamic states.

There would be no atrocities against Muslims in the region and the world if Muslim nations stood in unity, he said, referring to the common stance of Iran and Algeria on the importance of supporting the Palestinian cause.

Attaf, for his part, said Algerian President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has tasked him with expressing the country's determination to expand the highest level of relations with Iran.

The Algerian diplomat praised Iran's efforts to bolster relations with Muslim countries, adding the current level of economic and trade relations between Iran and Algeria does not match the excellence of their political ties.

However, with determination of the presidents of both countries, significant transformations can be expected in the economic and trade sphere, he said.

The top Algerian diplomat arrived in Tehran on Saturday at the head of a politico-economic delegation to discuss ways for the expansion of mutual relations.