2023 Para Athletics World Championships: Pirouj Wins Silver

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Ali Pirouj took a silver medal in the Paris 2023 Para Athletics World Championships on Saturday.

The Iranian athlete finished in second at the Men's Javelin Throw F13 with 63.70 meters.

Britain’s Daniel Pembroke won the gold medal with 70.50 meters.

The bronze medal went to Cuban athlete Ulicer Aguilera Cruz with 59.79 meters.

Iranian shot putters Mehdi Olad and Rashid Masjedi as well as Javelin thrower Saeid Afroozat had previously won three gold medals in the competitions.

Long jumper Amir Khosravani and Olad (discus throw) had also claimed two silver medals and Javelin thrower Hashemieh Motaghian seized a bronze.