Air Defenses Activated in Damascus to Repel Israeli Missile Attack on Syria

Air Defenses Activated in Damascus to Repel Israeli Missile Attack on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Syrian air defenses were activated early on Wednesday local time in response to a missile attack launched by Israel, according to the Syrian news agency, SANA.

Citing Syrian military sources, SANA reported that the "Israeli missile attack" targeted several sites in the vicinity of Damascus. The attack commenced approximately 25 minutes after midnight, with missiles originating from the occupied Golan Heights.

"The aggression wounded two soldiers and caused material damage," stated the agency, which also mentioned that the majority of the missiles were intercepted by Syrian air defense systems.

A SANA source stated that Syrian air defenses intercepted the missiles and shot down most of them. However, some missiles got through, resulting in injuries to two soldiers and causing property damage.

The UK-based so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, often referred to as a monitor, claimed that the strikes targeted military positions near the airport in the town of Dimas and the Beirut-Damascus highway west of the capital, where elite members of the Syrian army are stationed. It also reported that warehouses belonging to the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, which has been supporting Damascus against foreign-backed militants and terrorists, were targeted in the strikes.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights counted this incident as the 20th Israeli raid this year. Israel has repeatedly attacked Syria's military positions since 2011, amidst the country's struggle against foreign-backed violence.

The targets of these attacks are often positions of Syria's allies, who have been assisting the country in its fight against foreign-sponsored terror groups.

Damascus has consistently complained to the United Nations about Israeli assaults, urging the Security Council to take action against Israel's actions. However, these demands have gone unanswered.

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