Damascus Condemns Canada, Netherlands' Objection to ICJ Decision on Syria

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Syrian Foreign Ministry expressed its lack of surprise at Canada and the Netherlands' objection to the International Court of Justice's decision to postpone actions related to Syria, calling their statement misleading.

The ministry said these two countries are unqualified and lack legitimacy in lecturing on human rights, SANA reported.

An official source at the ministry stated, "It is not surprising that Canada and the Netherlands objected to the International Court of Justice's decision to postpone actions regarding Syria. They believe any action not in line with their policies warrants criticism, and they are unable to bear any blow that might undermine their basis for action."

The source further added, "The Canadian-Dutch statement is filled with deception and lies, similar to their campaign against Syria, lacking any semblance of truthfulness. It reflects their full partnership in the aggression against Syria and support for terrorist organizations responsible for heinous acts of violence. This has caused a significant scandal in Dutch political circles."

Continuing the statement, the source emphasized, "Canada and the Netherlands carry a history tainted with crimes committed in colonies and against indigenous people. Today, they attempt to wash their hands of these actions by acknowledging and apologizing for them. Hence, these two countries lack any qualification or legitimacy to lecture on human rights."

The source urged the countries to be more ashamed of the shameful marks left by their colonial history.