IRGC Navy Receives New Strategic Gear

IRGC Navy Receives New Strategic Gear

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A series of new homegrown military equipment and systems were delivered to the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Navy forces on Saturday.

The new strategic equipment, including missiles, drones and electronic warfare systems, were handed over to the IRGC naval forces at a ceremony attended by IRGC Commander Major General Hossein Salami and IRCG Navy Chief Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri.

The military systems have been manufactured by the IRGC, the Iranian Defense Ministry, and the domestic knowledge-based companies.

Among the new weaponry are various types of reconnaissance, combat, offense and spy drones, different types of logistical and command vehicles, and electronic warfare systems such as air defense equipment.

The IRGC Navy has also taken delivery of trucks equipped with cruise missile launchers, paired with radar systems and hundreds of cruise and ballistic missiles with ranges from 300 to 1,000 kilometers.

A number of specialized missile, drone and electronic warfare systems were among the other products unveiled on Saturday.

In remarks at the event, Rear Admiral Tangsiri described the new weapons as a “major and effective step” in the expansion of the IRGC Navy’s combat capabilities.

He noted that the new cruise and ballistic missiles are powered by artificial intelligence, have longer ranges, can be prepared for launch instantly, defeat the enemy’s electronic warfare, and hit the targets from various directions.

The commander also explained that the new drones have a longer flight endurance, their warheads have become larger and heavier, and can be used in electronic warfare, detonate mobile targets, and pinpoint the naval targets with great accuracy.

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