Iran, Russia Blame US Policy for JCPOA Implementation Woes

Iran, Russia Blame US Policy for JCPOA Implementation Woes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran and Russia jointly voiced their concerns over challenges in effectively executing the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and global nations, with Russian officials referencing statements from both countries.

The Russian foreign ministry issued a statement on Tuesday, reflecting discussions held during a meeting in Tehran between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov and Iranian counterparts Ali Baqeri and Reza Najafi.

Both Tehran and Moscow concurred that the agreement's faltering implementation can be attributed to the "flawed approach of 'maximum pressure' pursued by the United States and like-minded entities," as highlighted in the statement.

The pact, officially termed the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was established in July 2015 among Iran and the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council — the United States, Russia, China, Britain, and France — in addition to Germany. The accord facilitated limited alleviation of sanctions on Iran, contingent on adjustments to its nuclear activities.

However, the United States exited the accord in 2018 under the former president's "maximum pressure" strategy, which saw the re-imposition of previously lifted sanctions.

Following suit, the US's allies in the agreement, including France, Britain, and Germany, succumbed to Washington's pressure by aligning with sanctions and halting trade relations with Tehran.

Efforts to revive the agreement commenced in April 2021, but progress has stalled due to Washington's hesitance in providing assurances against future withdrawals from the deal.

The Russian ministry emphasized that adhering to the JCPOA as endorsed by the United Nations Security Council, evidenced by Resolution 2231, remains the most viable course of action, asserting that no reasonable alternative exists.

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