Iran Stresses Cooperation with Iraq in War on Terror

Iran Stresses Cooperation with Iraq in War on Terror

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Warning about the threats that terrorist and secessionist groups pose to regional security, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi called for closer cooperation with Iraq in the fight against terrorism.

In a telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Iraq Mohammad Shia al-Sudani on Saturday, Raisi expressed his sincere thanks to the Iraqi government and people for holding the magnificent Arbaeen ceremony in commemoration of Imam Hussein (AS) and hosting the Iranian pilgrims.

Raisi further expressed satisfaction with the construction of the Basra-Shalamcheh railroad, and appreciated the efforts of the Iraqi government to implement the project, which will lead to the facilitation and growth of commercial exchanges as well as the security of the travel of pilgrims between the two countries.

Reviewing the security cooperation between the two countries that leads to lasting peace, Raisi considered any movement of terrorist and separatist groups as an intolerable act against the security of the region, his official website reported.

He also emphasized the need to strengthen cooperation in this field.

For his part, the Iraqi premier described the presence of millions of Iranian pilgrims in the Arbaeen ceremony as a sign of the depth of common beliefs and ties between the two nations and described serving Imam Hussein's (AS) pilgrims as an honor for the Iraqi government and nation.

Sudani noted that the start of the Basra-Shalamcheh railroad construction project shows the serious determination of the Iraqi government to strengthen and develop relations with Iran in all fields and expressed hope that the economic and commercial cooperation between the two neighbors would grow.

He also noted that the Iraqi government considers Iran's security as Iraq's security and said, "The Iraqi government and nation are committed to a complete fight against factors and elements that threaten the stable security of the region."

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