Leader Mocks US’ Plots to Provoke Crisis in Iran

Leader Mocks US’ Plots to Provoke Crisis in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei scorned the US’ futile attempts to foment crisis in Iran by focusing on the matters it has perceived to be critical, like ethnic or religious divisions.

Thousands of people from Iran’s southeastern province of Sistan and Balouchestan and the eastern province of South Khorasan met with Ayatollah Khamenei in Tehran on Monday.

In the gathering, the Leader said Iran’s intelligence indicates that the US government has formed a so-called “crisis group” that is tasked with creating crises in other nations, including Iran.

The US is seeking to incite crisis by provoking the spots that it perceives to be vulnerable, Ayatollah Khamenei warned.

The Leader scorned the US’ plots to incite crises in Iran by concentrating on a series of critical matters, such as ethnic divisions, religious differences or the issue of gender and women.

 Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that the most important components of the transformation that is taking place in the world are the weakening of the US and other arrogant powers and the emergence of new regional and global powers.

As part of the main discussion in this meeting, the Leader said that the full alertness of people and government officials of countries is necessary during this period when major transformations are taking place around the world, according to Khamenei.ir.

The Leader described the colonial domination of England in the 18th century over important areas of Asia, including the Indian subcontinent, and the domination of Westerners over large areas of West Asia after the First World War as the result of the negligence of the nations and governments of these regions. "The nations of these regions suffered greatly later on in order to free themselves from the predatory domination of the colonialists," he added.

Ayatollah Khamenei considered the world today to be on the verge of a transformation, stating that it is undergoing transformation from various dimensions. He listed the weakening of colonial powers and the rise of new regional and global powers as two characteristics of these great transformations.

Citing the words of a number of Western sources, the Leader said that the indicators of US authority, which includes the US economy, are declining. "US's power to change governments has also declined significantly," he added.

The Leader underlined, "There was a time when the US sent an agent to Iran with a suitcase filled with money and organized the 28th Mordad coup. However, the US is not capable of flexing its muscles in any country. That is why it has resorted to a costly hybrid warfare which ultimately bears no fruit for them."

Ayatollah Khamenei described US' failure in Syria and its humiliating escape from Afghanistan as two obvious examples of the decline of US power. He added, "The rest of the arrogant powers have also encountered the same thing, as uprisings are currently being seen in various African countries against France as the old colonizer of this continent, and the people are supporting these uprisings."

The Leader explained, "When we say that the enemy is weakening, it does not mean they are incapable of deception, plots, and harming others. Therefore, we, that is, the people and the officials must be awake and careful."  

The Leader also underlined that the United States’ plots are not exclusive to Iran. "Today, the US has plans in the region for Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Afghanistan and even for the countries of the Persian Gulf, which are its old and traditional friends".

In his clarification of the US's plots, Ayatollah Khamenei stated that intelligence information shows that the US government has created an organization to create crises in other countries including Iran and their mission is to find and instigate issues that they think can cause a crisis.

The Leader added, "From their point of view, ethnic and religious differences and gender and women’s issues are among the crisis-causing points in Iran. They want to harm our dear country by instigating them, but they can keep dreaming about it!"

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the enemy’s plots have failed over the past 40 years due to the Iranian nation's adherence to Imam Khomeini's guidelines. He considered the orientations of Imam Khomeini to be important for the continuation of the Iranian nation’s successful movement.

"The enemy has targeted two fundamental elements, namely the 'national unity' and the 'national security' of Iranians," he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Ayatollah Khamenei spoke about his 60-year-long friendship with the people of Sistan and Balouchestan and the southern regions of Khorasan. "My first open battle with the Taqut (Pahlavi) regime took place in Birjand in 1963, during the month of Muharram. It was met with the loving company of scholars and people there. During the month of Ramadan that same year, this movement continued in Zahedan with the support of the vigilant Shiite and Sunni scholars and the religious people of that region."

During the meeting, the Leader also recalled the period of his exile in Iranshahr, pointing out the sweet, meaningful memories of his encounters with the Sunni scholars and the warm-hearted people of Sistan and Balouchistan.

"On different occasions, these regions have offered valuable Shiite and Sunni martyrs to Islam. They did this during the battle against the MEK terrorists and other terrorist groups, during the Sacred Defense period, and while establishing security and unity. This reality is what gives these regions their shining identity," the Leader emphasized.

Ayatollah Khamenei pointed out that the current state of Sistan and Balouchestan is incomparable to the way it was before the Revolution. However, he emphasized, "Despite all that has been done, our officials should seriously enhance and expand the delivery of services to the region. It is necessary to establish the north-south railway line in the province and ensure people's rights to water."

During the meeting, the Leader also referred to the outstanding attendance of the nation in the Arbaeen Walk. He extended his gratitude to the Iraqi nation for the valuable reception and hospitality that they showed to the 22 million Arbaeen pilgrims. He also thanked the Iraqi government, officials, police forces, and especially the Hashd al-Sha’bi for providing security during this great event.

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