Iraq Stands Committed to Security Agreement with Iran: Top General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for Iraq's Joint Operations Command Major General Tahsin al-Khafaji, stated that Iraqi forces are working to gain complete control over areas along the border with Iran, stressing Baghdad's unwavering commitment to the security agreement with Tehran.

"Iraqi government forces have begun to establish control over all border points with Iran, and apply Iraq’s laws and sovereignty there," stated al-Khafaji during an interview published on Sunday. This significant step is taken to prevent the use of Iraqi soil for launching attacks on neighboring states, aligning with the principles enshrined in the Iraqi Constitution.

Major General al-Khafaji further emphasized Iraq's military capabilities, asserting, "Iraqi forces have the military capabilities to control the common border strip between Iraq and Iran."

He also highlighted the coordination between the central government in Baghdad and the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in managing this effort, underscoring the commitment to regional security.

Khafaji underscored that Iraq is fully committed to implementing the security agreement with Iran because the pact is in the interest of Iraq’s national security.

Iran has set a deadline of September 19 for the Iraqi-Kurdish authorities to take action against secessionist anti-Iranian groups stationed in northern Iraq along the common border. An informed source revealed that these groups have agreed to disarm and vacate the areas along the Iran-Iraq Kurdistan Region border.

"The parties have agreed on relocation to the camps that have been already set up in the provinces of Erbil and Sulaymaniyah. They have completely approved the activities of the Kurdistan Regional Government," the source stated, highlighting the cooperation between the KRG and Baghdad in implementing the security agreement.

This development is part of a broader security agreement signed by Iran and Iraq in March, which includes coordination in safeguarding the border between the two nations in the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. In recent times, anti-Iranian terrorist groups in the Iraqi Kurdistan region have escalated their activities, particularly in border areas.

To counter these activities, Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) initiated a series of airstrikes against their positions in September last year.

Iran has consistently warned the Iraqi Kurdistan's local authorities against tolerating the presence and activity of terrorist groups along its northwestern borders, affirming its commitment to maintaining the region's security and stability.