Fuel Price Hike Sparks Unprecedented Protests in Syria's Hasakah

Fuel Price Hike Sparks Unprecedented Protests in Syria's Hasakah

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Kurdish "Self-Administration" in northeastern Syrian province of Hasakah is facing unprecedented protests following its decision to raise fuel prices by up to 300%.

Demonstrators, primarily in its northern strongholds in Hasakah province, are demanding a reversal of the move, citing the population's worsening economic conditions, Lebanese al-Akhbar daily reported.

"The people came out to express their rejection of the self-administration's policies, which aim to impoverish the people and push them towards emigration," said Farhad, one of the protesters in Qamishli.

The "Self-Administration" had previously increased salaries for its contracted employees and military personnel by 100%, with an average monthly salary of around 800,000 Syrian pounds (approximately 55 US dollars). However, this decision was swiftly followed by protests, strikes, and the closure of businesses.

In response, Abeer Khalid, the "Co-Chair of the Fuel Management Directorate in the Self-Administration," stated, "Reversing or modifying the price increase decision is difficult," emphasizing that the move would help reduce fuel smuggling operations.

While some media outlets affiliated with the "SDF" have framed the protests as destabilization efforts, demonstrators argue that the self-administration is focusing on economic pressure.

The protests have been accompanied by a social media campaign with the hashtag "No to the Fuel Price Hike, We Have the Right to Our Country's Wealth," reflecting the region's concern over control of its oil and gas fields, fertile lands, and dams by the "SDF."

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