Iran Petrochemical Industry Planning to Export Technical Services to Venezuela, Brazil

Iran Petrochemical Industry Planning to Export Technical Services to Venezuela, Brazil

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's petrochemicals have been welcomed by countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the US, the production control manager of the National Petrochemical Company said, adding that planning is underway for exporting technical-engineering services to Venezuela and Brazil.

With the implementation and acceleration of the energy diplomacy in the administration of President Raisi, the Latin America has also been targeted by the National Petrochemical Company in line with exporting its quality products to these countries, Bijan Chegeni said, emphasizing that planning is underway for exporting technical-engineering services to Venezuela and Brazil.

He then pointed to the sanctions imposed against the country and added that Iran’s petrochemical industry was not affected by the sanctions and managed to materialize most of its objectives.

Under such circumstances, Iran’s petrochemical industry has been turned into a strong point and succeeded in converting threats to the opportunities, the manager stressed, SHANA reported.

The chairman of the Board of Directors of Persian Gulf Petrochemical Industries Corporation added, “Despite existence of restrictions and hurdles, Persian Gulf Holding holds 40 percent sales share of petrochemicals in the country.”

Emphasizing that Iran’s petrochemical industry has attained self-sufficiency in manufacturing many strategic equipment and catalysts, he noted, “A number of applied catalysts in the petrochemical industry have hit the foreign markets which is a source of pride for this industry.”

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