Elaheh Mansourian Collects Silver in Wushu at Hangzhou

Elaheh Mansourian Collects Silver in Wushu at Hangzhou

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Wushu athlete Elaheh Mansourian claimed a silver medal in the 2022 Asian Games early Thursday.

She started the campaign with a win over Nepalese athlete Elina Chaudhary in the women’s 52kg Round of 16.

The Iranian then beat Pakistan’s Samreen Altaf in the quarterfinals.

Mansourian defeated Indonesian Tharisa Dea Florentina in the semifinals but lost to Chinese fighter Yueyao Li 2-0 in the final.

A record high of nearly 12,500 athletes from 45 countries and territories compete across 40 sports in the 2022 Asian Games.

Iran has sent 289 male and female athletes to Hangzhou in 34 sports events.

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