Iran Ready to Dispatch Workforce to Iraq

Iran Ready to Dispatch Workforce to Iraq

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The director general of the Iranian Ministry of Labor, Cooperatives and Social Welfare for employment development affairs in a meeting with Iraqi officials voiced the country’s readiness to dispatch competent Iranian workforce to the neighboring country in all occupational fields.

Reducing the unemployment rate, diversifying the country's revenues especially reducing the dependence of foreign exchange resources on oil, transferring technical and engineering experiences, preserving the dignity and identity of the workforce, organizing and using expert manpower instead of brain drain, and improving the state of trust among Iranian workforce in other countries are considered as the salient advantages of dispatching labor force abroad, Omid Malek emphasized.

Also, sending workforce and experts abroad can be effective in reducing brain drain to some extent, he added.

He referred to increasing the experience of workforce and also yielding the currency for the country as the other advantages of sending competent workforce to foreign countries.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Malek pointed to a webinar meeting held last month between senior officials of Iraqi Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and Iran’s Technical and Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) and also economic counselor of Iranian embassy in Iraq.

In this expert-level meeting, the two sides exchanged their views on the joint statement of cooperation between Iranian and Iraqi ministries of labor, cooperation and social welfare.

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