EU Council Chief Raises Alarm about Fresh Migrant wave

EU Council Chief Raises Alarm about Fresh Migrant wave

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – European Council President Charles Michel has called for an “extraordinary” meeting of its members, to address the escalating conflict in the Middle East and to assess the impact it may have on the European Union’s security.

This conflict in occupied Palestine  “has many consequences, including for us in the European Union,” Michel wrote in a letter published on the council’s website on Saturday, further explaining that the Israeli-Palestinian tensions have the potential to “exacerbate tensions between communities and feed extremism” in Europe, RT reported.

There is “a major risk” that the ongoing violence will trigger mass migration to the neighboring countries, and “if not handled carefully, there is a risk of onward migratory waves to Europe,” Michel warned, inviting the members of the European Council to hold a video conference on October 17.

Michel also said that “tragic scenes” in Gaza resulting from the Israeli siege and heavy bombardment are “raising alarm bells in the international community.”

He stressed the importance of the EU's role in facilitating peace in the region.

More than 2,329 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza, with hundreds of thousands being displaced following Israel's evacuation order, according to the United Nations Human Rights Commission.

UN human rights experts warn that the Palestinians are on the brink of “mass ethnic cleansing” and called on the international community to mediate an immediate ceasefire.

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