Muslim Countries’ Envoys in Russia Voice Solidarity with Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The ambassadors of a number of Muslim countries to Russia organized a stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

The ambassadors expressed their condemnation of the brutal attacks launched by the Israeli occupation entity on the Strip, and their denunciation of the policy of ethnic cleansing pursued by Zionist circles under American sponsorship and protection.

“Our tragedy as Arabs and Muslims began since the Balfour Declaration in 1917, and since then we have not been fighting “Israel” alone, but rather everyone who sponsors and supports this entity and justifies the crimes it commits,” Syrian Ambassador in Moscow Bashar al-Jaafari said in a speech during the stand.

Al-Jaafari stressed that despite all the lies that the occupation entity and the US are spreading about the Palestinian people, the cause of Palestine will remain a just and right cause.

“To this day, the United Nations confirms in all its documents that the Palestinian territories are occupied territories, and all the resolutions of this international organization in defending the Palestinian cause are approved by a large majority in favor of the Palestinian people,” al-Jaafari noted.

Palestinian Ambassador to Moscow Abdel Hafiz Nofal said at the event: “This criminal attack on the Gaza Strip, imposing a siege on it, starving its people and forcing them to leave their lands, shows the reality of the policy of ethnic cleansing pursued by the Israeli entity.”

Nofal also told SANA’s correspondent in Moscow, “The Palestinian people are steadfast and adhere to their land despite all Israeli attempts to displace and target them.”

Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Kazem Jalali also stressed that the massacres to which the Palestinian people are exposed are a tragedy for all of humanity, and the crime committed against them is a shame on humanity.

He stressed that the Palestinian issue is not only an issue of Arabs or Muslims, but rather an issue that concerns the entire world.