Humanitarian Crisis Deepens As Palestinian Arrests Surge amid Israeli Atrocities in Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – As the Israeli atrocities in Gaza continue to rage, the humanitarian aspect of the situation is taking a grim turn, with a surge in arrests of Palestinians by Israeli forces.

The number of Palestinians in custody has doubled in the two weeks since the start of the bombardment of the besieged Gaza Strip.

On Sunday, Israeli forces arrested at least 58 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, as reported by the official Wafa news agency. The arrests occurred predominantly in Ramallah, Hebron (Al-Khalil), and Jenin, among other areas, according to the Palestinian state-run agency.

The ongoing wave of arrests in the West Bank is contributing to the already staggering number of detainees. Palestinian officials note that more than 1,000 Palestinians have been arrested in the occupied West Bank since the conflict's inception.

The Israeli army claims that at least 727 Palestinians have been arrested in the occupied West Bank since October 7, though Palestinian authorities argue that the actual number surpasses 1,000.

The surge in arrests is causing heightened tensions, especially when Israeli forces enter Palestinian refugee camps or villages, which may further harden the local population's resolve.

The arrests are not limited to alleged Hamas operatives; the Palestinian Prisoners’ Society reports that these raids have led to the detention of both Hamas members and supporters, as well as young individuals with no affiliation to any group.

Israel is using different legal pretexts to withhold the detainees from different areas, according to human rights groups.

Palestinians from the Gaza Strip who were arrested inside occupied territories are being held under the "Unlawful Combatants Law", which allows authorities to detain Palestinians indefinitely without effective judicial review.

The law defines an "unlawful combatant" as a "person who has participated either directly or indirectly in hostile acts” against Israel, or “is a member of a force perpetrating hostile acts” against it.

The increasing restrictions on Palestinian movement, coupled with the ongoing military actions, are exacerbating the situation.

The Palestinian Authority has called for international pressure on Israel to cease its aggression and to ensure the entry of humanitarian aid. They view the air raids on the Jenin camp as a dangerous escalation, fearing the Gaza model may be replicated in the occupied West Bank.

Palestinian detainees are reportedly facing severe mistreatment and dire conditions. According to reports, they are being subjected to hunger, thirst, and denial of access to necessary medication, especially for those with chronic illnesses. 

Physical assaults and degrading treatment are becoming increasingly common. Many Palestinian prisoners have suffered broken limbs, hands, and legs, and endure insults, curses, and humiliating group searches.

The surge in arrests is having a severe impact, as most detainees are cut off from the outside world, with limited access to their families and lawyers. Canteens, used to buy essential supplies, have been shut off, and meals have been reduced from three to two per day.

The situation is further exacerbated as the daily arrest rate of Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds has increased dramatically since the onset of the conflict, reaching up to 120 people a day. The arrests are often carried out through surprise military raids on Palestinian homes at dawn, causing property destruction, verbal and physical abuse, and humiliation.

The arrest surge includes about 4,000 Gazan laborers who were working in occupied territories and are now held in military bases, while 1,070 other Palestinians have been arrested during overnight army raids in the occupied West Bank and East Al-Quds.

The situation is dire, and the international community's attention is turning to the growing humanitarian crisis as the conflict continues to claim lives and disrupt the daily existence of Palestinians in the region.