Bahrain Halts Economic Relations with Israeli Regime Over Gaza Conflict

Bahrain Halts Economic Relations with Israeli Regime Over Gaza Conflict

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Bahrain's lower house of parliament announced the suspension of economic relations with Israel due to Tel Aviv's ongoing war in the Gaza Strip, which has led to the loss of many Palestinian lives.

"Economic relations with Israel have been halted," stated the Council of Representatives on Thursday.

This move is made "in support of the Palestinian cause and the legitimate rights of the brotherly Palestinian people," as per the statement.

The First Deputy Speaker of Bahrain's legislature Abdulnabi Salman, emphasized that "the ongoing conflict in Gaza cannot tolerate silence."

Bahrain's National Communication Center, the government's media arm, stressed that the current priority should be the protection of civilians in the besieged Palestinian territory.

The ongoing war waged by the Israeli regime against Gaza, which began on October 7, has tragically claimed the lives of nearly 9,061 people, including 3,700 children and more than 2,300 women.

This conflict started following Gaza's resistance groups' al-Aqsa Storm operation, one of their most significant operations against the occupying entity in years.

Bahrain established diplomatic relations with Israel in 2020 as part of the United States-brokered Abraham Accords.

In 2021, Bahrain's main opposition group, the al-Wefaq National Islamic Society, condemned the normalization of relations with Israel as "a crime," asserting that it did not align with the will of the Bahraini nation.

The country has witnessed numerous protests since the rapprochement, with many condemning it as an act of "treason."

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