Iran Refutes 2-State Solution for Palestine

Iran Refutes 2-State Solution for Palestine

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Unlike a number of parties in the extraordinary OIC summit that proposed a two-state solution entailing an independent State of Palestine alongside Israel, Iran has insisted on democratic solutions based on ballot boxes involving all Palestinians, President Ebrahim Raisi said.

Speaking to reporters upon his arrival in Tehran after attending a joint summit of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and the Arab League in Saudi Arabia, Raisi pointed to the results and achievements of his trip and said, "Participation in this summit was important in two aspects; One is that this summit was held with the presence of all Islamic and Arab countries, and the other is that its topic was the main issue of today's world and all the people of the world."

"The Islamic Republic of Iran has valid words to say about the issue of Palestine, and I tried to be the voice of the Iranian nation and the people who shout for the rights of the Palestinians in the streets during this trip. Since the beginning of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iran has had a clear opinion about the rights of the Palestinian people, and on the other hand, it has always regarded the Zionist regime as a fake, usurping and identity-less regime," Raisi added, his official website reported.

The passage of time, even if it is 75 years, does not create legitimacy and property rights for an usurping and occupying regime, the president added, noting, "The Islamic Republic of Iran, following the clear and explicit opinion of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, even before the victory of the Islamic revolution, considers the issue of the liberation of Quds and the realization of the rights of the Palestinian nation as the first issue of the Islamic world and a benchmark for identifying and recognizing the true positions of countries."

The president pointed to Iran’s view on Palestine and enlightenment on the dimensions of crimes against humanity, war crimes and the genocide of the Zionists in Gaza as one of his goals for participating in the Islamic-Arab summit in Riyadh and said, "One of the main differences between our presence and speech in this summit compared to other participants, was introducing the United States as the main culprit in these crimes, which has played the biggest role in creating, survival, and arming and supporting the Zionist regime in the killing of Palestinian women and children."

Raisi also expounded on his 10 solutions and proposals at the summit to settle the Gaza crisis and emphasized the need to support the resistance as the only way to liberate al-Quds.

"In this summit, contrary to what some say about the future of the Palestinian issue in the form of the solution of the two governments, we stated that we have presented a completely democratic solution based on referring to the votes of all Palestinians, including Muslims, Christians and Jews, to determine their future," he stated.

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