Iran Hails UN Chief’s Push to Stop Israeli War on Gaza

Iran Hails UN Chief’s Push to Stop Israeli War on Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry welcomed the United Nations secretary-general’s move to wield his power under Article 99 of the UN Charter to urge the Security Council to halt the Israeli regime’s onslaught on Gaza.

In a statement on Thursday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Nasser Kanaani welcomed Antonio Guterres’ move to utilize his powers under Article 99 of the UN Charter, saying, "As highlighted by the Secretary-General in his letter, the severity of the attacks on Gaza, the targeting of civilians -especially children and women- the destruction of civilian infrastructures, including hospitals, and the forced displacement of a significant portion of Gaza's population to other areas within the strip, pose a threat to both peace and regional security."

Kanaani regarded the UN secretary-general's plea to the Security Council to stop the Zionist regime's assaults and facilitate immediate and comprehensive relief for the people of Gaza as a wholly appropriate action in line with the top UN official's legal duties and authority.

"Even in such circumstances, such a request stems from his moral obligations and humanity," the Iranian spokesman noted.

Regarding the information outlined in the UN secretary-general's letter to the chairman of the Security Council that illustrate the grave deterioration in Gaza, Kanaani stressed the urgent need for all pertinent governments and international bodies to take swift and concerted action to halt the occupying regime's attacks and crimes and to provide support to the oppressed people of Gaza, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

He emphasized that the primary responsibility for this lies with the United Nations Security Council, which holds clear legal obligations to promptly prevent aggression and threats against international peace and security. Kanaani highlighted that it is the Council's duty to act swiftly.

"The precarious situation in Gaza, amid the continuous war crimes and genocide perpetrated against Palestinians by the Zionist regime, and its legal dimensions, presents a clear and immediate threat to regional and global peace and security. It necessitates prompt and decisive action by the Security Council, which cannot evade or delay its responsibilities on any grounds," Kanaani underlined.

"Any compromise, delay, or inaction by the Security Council in this matter equates to endorsing and emboldening the criminal forces of the occupying regime to further perpetrate killings of Gazans, widen the destruction of their properties, intensify displacement, and exacerbate the suffering of over two million Palestinians residing in Gaza. It signifies complicity in these crimes,” he added.

"While reiterating the urgent need for an immediate and decisive action by the Security Council to fulfil its legal obligations in halting the Israeli criminals' attacks on the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, the Islamic Republic of Iran underscores that phrases like 'humanitarian pause' amount to mere rhetoric that postpones but does not halt the occupation force's crimes. Therefore, the only effective action anticipated from the Security Council is its immediate and explicit decision compelling the Israeli regime to cease all its attacks and military actions promptly and entirely in Gaza, the West Bank of Palestine, and against other regional countries,” he concluded.

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