Iran Hails UN Chief’s Move to Invoke Article 99 on Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian lauded the decision by the UN secretary general to invoke Article 99 of the UN Charter that urged the UN Security Council to act on the war in Gaza, describing it as an initiative for world peace and security.

In a telephone conversation with Head of Hamas' Political Bureau Ismail Haniyeh on Friday, Amirabdollahian praised the UN chief for invoking Article 99, describing it a rare and valuable move to establish peace and security in the world.

Article 99 allows the secretary-general to “bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”.

However, the US on Friday vetoed the UNSC’s demand for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the war between the Israeli regime and Hamas in Gaza.

Thirteen Security Council members voted in favor of a brief draft resolution, put forward by the United Arab Emirates on Friday, while the United Kingdom abstained.

The vote came after UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made a rare move on Wednesday to formally warn the 15-member council of a global threat from the two-month-long war.

In the phone call with Haniyeh, Amirabdollahian expounded on the latest diplomatic moves and measures by the Islamic and Arab states and also Iran in the international arenas aimed at supporting the Palestinian people, denouncing the Zionist regime’s war crimes, and stopping the merciless slaughter of people in Gaza and the West Bank.

Amirabdollahian noted that the Gaza crisis was one of the significant subjects raised during the talks held on Thursday between Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

For his part, Haniyeh praised Iran for its stances in support of the Palestinian nation and also Iran’s extensive diplomatic efforts in the region and beyond to stop the Zionist regime’ crimes against the Palestinian nation.

He also elaborated on the latest situation in Gaza amid the Zionist regime’s ongoing crimes and massacre of civilians.

“With God’s assistance, the resistance will continue until the Zionists’ crimes stop and the occupation of Palestine is completely over,” the Palestinian leader concluded.