Global Pro-Palestinian Rallies Demand Peace, Relief Aid for Gaza

Global Pro-Palestinian Rallies Demand Peace, Relief Aid for Gaza

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Pro-Palestinian protests surged across major cities worldwide, demanding an end to the Israeli war on Gaza and calling for humanitarian aid, as Berlin, London, Sydney, and Melbourne witnessed impassioned demonstrations urging solidarity and action.

In Berlin, a robust pro-Palestinian demonstration brought together hundreds, rallying from Kreuzberg to the iconic Brandenburg Gate, echoing calls for "Solidarity with Palestine."

Police estimated several hundred participating in the peaceful gathering. Marchers, draped in Palestinian scarves and brandishing placards condemning Gaza bombings as war crimes, passionately advocated for Palestinian freedom, waving flags and chanting for an end to the Israeli violence.

Die Linke, an opposition group in Berlin, led the protest, urging Germany's government to push for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire while lifting the blockade on Gaza. The call echoed similar sentiments worldwide, amplified by actions in London.

In London, activists orchestrated a demonstration on Oxford Street during the Christmas shopping bustle, urging a boycott of "Israeli-linked" brands. Chants of "free Palestine" resonated as activists called for consciousness in consumer choices, focusing on boycotting specific brands seen as supporting Gaza's devastation.

Meanwhile, across Australia, from Melbourne's convoy demanding a permanent Gaza ceasefire to Sydney's massive march past St Mary's Cathedral, the call for an end to Israeli military onslaught surged.

Vigils and protests highlighted the urgency of the situation and pressed for international aid, echoing the United Nations' recent resolution for increased humanitarian assistance.

The global demonstrations, mirrored in Lyon, France, emphasized the disparity between media portrayal and the harsh reality in Gaza, underscoring the overwhelming civilian toll of over 20,000 deaths and 53,688 injuries, mainly affecting women and children, as reported by the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Voices worldwide echoed the sentiment of injustice and desperation for an end to the devastating impact of the Israeli war on innocent lives.

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