Violent Israeli Raids Leave Multiple Palestinians Dead in West Bank

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Israeli forces conducted extensive overnight raids in the occupied West Bank, resulting in multiple deaths among Palestinians, with the town of Azzun witnessing the most severe clashes.

Reports confirm intense confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli security personnel in Azzun, where an improvised explosive device was hurled at a military jeep, leading to the fatal shooting of four Palestinians during these clashes.

Additionally, another aggressive raid occurred in Jenin, a consistent focal point of Palestinian resistance, further escalating the already volatile situation.

The Israeli army's atrocities in the occupied West Bank claimed another Palestinian life, elevating the overnight death toll to five individuals.

Aside from the four fatalities in Azzun, the military reported that a man, allegedly firing at soldiers during a Qalqilya raid, was shot and killed.

In a statement, the military showcased three Carlo submachine guns purportedly carried by the deceased. Concurrently, Israeli forces continued their widespread raids throughout the occupied West Bank.

Reports emerged of clashes in Qalqilya, including footage depicting Israeli soldiers assaulting an injured Palestinian, adding to the growing toll of fatalities and detentions since October 7.

Israeli forces have been withholding bodies, a practice seen frequently. Over the years, 194 bodies have been retained, with 46 of them held since October 7, exacerbating tensions in the region.

Escalating their operation since October 7, Israeli forces have intensified raids across the West Bank, resulting in the deaths of over 320 Palestinians through military operations and settler violence.