Iran’s Mazandaran Exports 3rd Shipment of Citrus Fruits to Russia via Amirabad Port

Iran’s Mazandaran Exports 3rd Shipment of Citrus Fruits to Russia via Amirabad Port

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The third shipment of citrus was exported from Mazandaran province of Iran to the Russian Federation through Amirabad Port on January 3, the director general of ports and maritime department of Amirabad Port said.

Mohammad Ali Mousapour hoped that the export trend of non-oil products, which is transported from the provincial port, will continue. 

He pointed to the considerable production of citrus fruits in this northern province and said the department is ready to export products such as agricultural and horticultural products to foreign countries.

Giant steps have been taken in this province in the field of exporting products overseas, he maintained, TIN News reported. 

The first shipment of the citrus fruits had been exported from this province overseas in November 2023, he said.

“It is expected that more volumes of agricultural products will be exported from this province to the Commonwealth Independent States (CIS) via Amirabad Port," he added. 

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