Dollar Down by 0.74% at Russian Stock Exchange

Dollar Down by 0.74% at Russian Stock Exchange

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The dollar exchange rate was down by 0.74% at 88.67 rubles on Moscow Stock Exchange while the euro was down by 0.51% at 97.5 rubles.

Russia’s stock market was mixed as Thursday trading opened on Moscow Exchange as the MOEX Index lost 0.2% to 3,158.3 points, while the dollar-denominated RTS Index added 0.45% to 1,120.52 points, according to trading data as of 10:00 a.m. Moscow time (07:00 am GMT), according to TASS. 

As of 10:15 a.m. (07:15 a.m. GMT) the MOEX was down by 0.18% at 3,158.95 points, while the RTS was up by 0.61% at 1,122.37 points.

Meanwhile, the dollar exchange rate was down by 0.74% at 88.67 rubles on Moscow Exchange, the euro was down by 0.51% at 97.5 rubles, while the yuan was down by 0.44% at 12.355 rubles as of 10:15 am (07:15 a.m. GMT), the report added. 

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