Foreign Ministry Raps Pakistan’s Disproportionate Attack on Iranian Village

Foreign Ministry Raps Pakistan’s Disproportionate Attack on Iranian Village

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran condemned Pakistan’s “unbalanced and unacceptable” drone attack on non-Iranian villagers at a border area on Iranian soil, calling on the Islamabad government to act against the terrorist groups on its own territory.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry on Thursday released a statement regarding the recent incidents at the common border with Pakistan.

Iran said on Tuesday it had hit bases of Jaish al-Adl terrorist group inside Pakistan to prevent a new terrorist attack after 11 Iranian policemen were killed by the notorious group in its hit-and-run raid on a police station in the city of Rask last month.

In the early hours of Thursday, Pakistan attacked a village in Saravan in Iran’s southeastern Sistan and Baluchestan province, killing nine people, including four children. Islamabad characterizing it a response to Tehran’s operation against terrorist bases inside Pakistan.

What follows is the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s statement:

“In the Name of God, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Iran condemns Pakistan’s unbalanced and unacceptable drone attack on non-Iranian villagers on the border of the two countries.

At the same time, the Islamic Republic of Iran adheres to the policy of good neighborliness and brotherhood between the two nations and the two governments of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Pakistan. It does not allow enemies to strain the amicable and brotherly relations of Tehran and Islamabad.

The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the security of its people and its territorial integrity as a red line and strongly expects the friendly and brotherly government of Pakistan to adhere to its obligations in preventing the establishment of bases and the deployment of armed terrorist groups on its soil.

On Tuesday, 16 January 2024, the Border Taskforce of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Ground Force, situated in Sistan and Baluchistan Province, took a preventive action against a terrorist group preparing to infiltrate the territory of the Islamic Republic of Iran to carry out another terrorist operation similar to the criminal and terrorist attack in Rask. The action was carried out against the terrorist group's barracks and headquarters located in the heights of the region, kilometers away from residential areas -a procedure which is part of the inherent duties of the border forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran to proportionately deal with any imminent terrorist threat against the people and citizens of the country.

It is emphasized that the Islamic Republic of Iran differentiates between Pakistan's friendly and brotherly government and armed terrorists. The Islamic Republic of Iran always adheres to its policy of good neighborliness and does not allow its enemies and terrorist allies to strain these relations, especially when the genocide and crimes of the Zionist regime are the foremost issue affecting the Islamic world.”

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