Iran to Broaden Scope of Naval Power: General

Iran to Broaden Scope of Naval Power: General

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking military commander unveiled plans to expand the area of influence of Iran’s naval power in the direction of the Indian Ocean in order to stymie the US’ plots to keep Iran stalled onshore.

Addressing a conference in Tehran on Sunday, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh said Iran’s maritime development should continue incessantly.

Stressing the need to counter the US’ policy of halting the rivals at the shore, the commander said Iran’s regional and ultra-regional power in the sea must grow in the direction of the Indian Ocean.

“The General Staff (of the Iranian Armed Forces) has plans to that end,” he added.

Hailing the Army and the IRGC naval forces for boosting Iran’s defense power in the region, the general said Iran’s 86th flotilla of warships that circumnavigated the globe last year could challenge the US’ assumptions.

In August 2023, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution paid tribute to the Iranian Navy forces who sailed around the world, saying the unprecedented move enhanced Iran’s international standing, contributed to security, and reminded the superpowers that high seas belong to all nations.

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that the accomplishment made by the 86th flotilla has improved Iran’s international image, and that its political value is no less than its military value.

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