Yemeni Defense Minister Commends Naval Operations against Israeli-Linked Ships in Red Sea

Yemeni Defense Minister Commends Naval Operations against Israeli-Linked Ships in Red Sea

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Yemen’s defense minister praised the country’s ongoing naval operations against Israeli-linked ships in the Red Sea, denouncing the "hegemonic influence" of the United States and its allies on international waters.

“The United States, Britain and Israel must realize that the policies of demarcation and assertion of hegemonic influence on international waters are obsolete and no more favorable,” Major General Mohammed al-Atifi said, addressing a graduation ceremony for Yemeni cadets in Hudaydah.

He emphasized that the era of US and allied dominance over international waters is over.

He stated that the Yemeni Armed Forces have the capability to redefine maritime security in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, particularly by blocking ships heading towards Israeli-occupied territories.

Atifi added that Yemeni naval units could also restore the identity of the two seas, which he said had been hijacked by Israel.

“We reaffirm that the Yemeni Armed Forces won’t target any ships, which are neither affiliated to the Zionist enemy nor serving its interests. Marine navigation for vessels through the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea is safe,” the Yemeni defense chief said.

He emphasized that the Sana’a-based National Salvation Government is committed to international treaties and conventions that respect Yemen’s sovereignty.

“As long as the Zionists’ atrocities continue in Gaza, we will continue our operations against the usurping entity. Washington has aided and abetted the Zionist entity to forge ahead with its genocidal war on our Palestinian brethren and sisters,” he said.

Yemenis have expressed strong support for Palestine’s struggle against Israeli occupation since the regime launched a war on Gaza. The Yemeni Armed Forces have vowed to continue retaliatory strikes.

The maritime attacks have led to the suspension of transit by some of the world’s biggest shipping and oil companies through the Red Sea, forcing tankers to take longer routes around Africa.

Meanwhile, Yemen's Ansarullah resistance movement has condemned US and British airstrikes against the country, describing them as a violation of Yemen's sovereignty.

Mohammed Abdul-Salam, spokesman for Yemen’s National Salvation Government, said the attacks were an attempt to prevent Yemen from supporting Palestinians in Gaza.

“We reiterate that Yemen will stick to its humanitarian and religious position in support of Gaza by preventing Israeli ships or those heading to the ports of occupied Palestine, and we have every right to respond to the ongoing US-British aggression against our beloved country,” he said.

The US and UK said their military action against Yemen targeted 18 sites in eight locations, with support from other countries including Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, and New Zealand.

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