Iran’s Exports to Uzbekistan Up 20% in 10 Months: TPOI

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An official at the Trade Promotion Organization of Iran (TPOI) said the country’s export of non-oil goods to Uzbekistan registered a 20-percent hike in the 10 months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21, 2023 to January 22, 2024).

The head of the Russia and Caucasus Office of the TPOI pointed to the visit by the Uzbek minister of energy and his accompanying delegation to Iran and expressed hope that this visit will bring about positive results for the expansion of the trade ties between the two countries.

Akbar Godari referred to the achievements of a visit by Iran’s Minister of Industry, Mine and Trade Abbas Aliabadi to the Republic of Uzbekistan last month and said the two sides agreed to pursue the implementation of the agreements inked between the two sides earlier.

Uzbek Energy Minister Jurabek Mirzamakhmudov along with an accompanying delegation arrived in Iran on March 3 to hold talks with his Iranian counterpart, IRNA reported. 

Elsewhere in his remarks, Godari pointed to Iran’s export of products to Uzbekistan and added that various types of polymer compounds, cables, aquatics, steel profiles, etc. were exported from Iran to Uzbekistan in 2023.

In return, Iran imported cotton thread, potassium, cereals, legumes, pinto beans and silk thread from the Republic of Uzbekistan last year, he added.

The TPOI official put the value of the trade exchanges between Iran and Uzbekistan from March 21, 2023, to January 22, 2024, at more than $370 million.

Iran exported more than $270 million of non-oil goods to Uzbekistan, showing a 20% growth compared to the same period a year earlier.

According to the statistics, Iran imported about $100 million of products from the Republic of Uzbekistan in this period, he added.