Iranian FM Dismisses Removal of Resistance from Gaza As ‘Unattainable Fantasy’

Iranian FM Dismisses Removal of Resistance from Gaza As ‘Unattainable Fantasy’

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian blasted the idea of eliminating resistance groups from Gaza as “an unattainable fantasy,” highlighting the resilience of Palestinian resolve during talks in Tehran on Tuesday.

During a visit to Tehran, Ismail Haniyeh, the Head of Hamas' political bureau, met with Amirabdollahian, who praised the resilience of Palestinians despite harsh conditions in Gaza.

Amirabdollahian hailed the recent UN Security Council resolution as a positive yet belated step, while acknowledging the steadfastness of Palestinian resistance and global support for their cause.

He highlighted Haniyeh's visit ahead of Quds Day, noting that this year's commemoration is more significant given the Zionist regime's ongoing atrocities in Gaza and the West Bank. The minister emphasized that despite international support, the US and its allies have been unable to drive Hamas and the resistance from Gaza.

"Despite the Zionist regime's unprecedented and countless atrocities against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank, none of their strategic or declared objectives have been met. Despite their full support for the Zionist regime, the United States and its allies have failed to achieve their objectives, and they now believe that removing Hamas and the resistance from Gaza and the Palestinian scene is an unattainable fantasy," Amirabdollahian said.

"If the statements of the esteemed leader of the Islamic Revolution were heeded by Islamic countries and the economic lifelines of the Zionist regime were cut off by Islamic countries, the number of martyrs in Gaza and its devastation would have been much lower," Amirabdollahian stated, condemning the extent of Zionist regime's atrocities against Gaza and the oppressed people of Palestine in the past six months.

Haniyeh, on his part, expressed gratitude for Iran's support and highlighted the failure of Zionist objectives, including the destruction of Hamas, release of prisoners, and forced displacement of Gazans.

He condemned the Zionist regime's genocidal tactics, which included mass killings of civilians, women, and children, extensive and organized destruction, a complete military siege, and starvation of Gazans, noting that despite all of these crimes, the enemy has failed to achieve any of its goals, and that the Palestinian resistance and people remain steadfast and strong.

“Today signs of the enemy's defeat on the field, political, and international levels are becoming increasingly apparent,” Haniyeh said, urging Islamic nations and the OIC to take stronger action against Zionist aggression.

He emphasized that the Zionists regard the cessation of the war as a strategic defeat for themselves, with the first result being the fall of Netanyahu, and that, despite verbal statements, the US has made no strategic changes in its positions or support for the Zionist regime.

The Hamas chief emphasized the importance of Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque, particularly amidst escalating threats from the Zionist regime. He expressed hope that this year's Quds Day would be a historic event in support of Palestine and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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