Publisher Apologizes for Insulting Ayatollah Khomeini in Indian Textbook

Publisher Apologizes for Insulting Ayatollah Khomeini in Indian Textbook

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Acuber Books International, a publisher from Uttar Pradesh, India, has issued a formal apology after facing widespread criticism for derogatory references to Ayatollah Ruhollah Musavi Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in a Class 6 textbook.

The incident ignited protests in Jammu and Kashmir and drew condemnation from various figures in India and other nations.

The publication of the textbook in question drew immediate backlash from the Shiite Muslim community in India, who revere Ayatollah Khomeini as a religious leader and Islamic scholar. They condemned the move by the publisher as an attempt to tarnish communal harmony and misrepresent Islam.

Anjuman-e-Sharie Shiayan, a prominent Shiite Muslim organization in Jammu and Kashmir, denounced the portrayal, emphasizing Imam Khomeini’s positive impact and leadership against tyranny.

In a Monday press release addressed to stakeholders and readers, Acuber Books International expressed profound regret over the recent controversy surrounding its portrayal of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. The company admitted that the labeling was not only inaccurate but deeply offensive to many.

The company recognized the severity of the error, emphasizing that such mischaracterizations undermine truth, justice, and perpetuate harmful stereotypes. "We acknowledge the gravity of our mistake and recognize that such mischaracterizations not only undermine truth and justice but also perpetuate harmful stereotypes," the statement read.

Acuber Books International extended its sincerest apologies to all those affected by the oversight, emphasizing that it never intended to spread misinformation or contribute to harmful narratives. "We extend our sincerest apologies to all those who have been affected by this oversight. It was never our intention to spread misinformation or contribute to the propagation of harmful narratives," the company stated.

To address the issue, the company announced immediate steps to rectify the situation. It pledged to review and revise its content to ensure accuracy, fairness, and sensitivity in representations. Additionally, Acuber Books International committed to issuing a formal correction and apology in upcoming publications and online platforms.

The press release underscored the company's commitment to upholding the highest standards of integrity and respect in all publications. It expressed gratitude for readers' feedback and concerns while apologizing for any distress or offense caused by the error. "We deeply value the feedback and concerns of our readers and stakeholders, and we are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of integrity and respect in all our publications," the statement concluded.

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