Constructing Last Section of Khaf-Herat Railway Kicks Off: ARA

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Afghanistan Railway Authority (ARA) announced the launch of the construction operation of the last section of the Khaf-Herat railway, which will link Afghanistan’s trade route to Iranian ports.

The construction operation of the second phase of the fourth section of the Khaf-Herat railway project has started, it said, noting that the project costs $53 million to complete. 

The section is 47 kilometers long, stretching from “Rabat Parian” in Zindajan County to Herat International Airport, the authority added.

Once the section of the phase is completed, Herat in Afghanistan will be connected to Iranian ports and to Europe through the Turkish railway network.

Its contract had been signed between the Afghanistan Railway Authority and the Gamma Group in late March.

The project aims to enhance Afghanistan’s connectivity to international markets, facilitating trade through Iran to Turkey and Europe.

Earlier, the press office of Taliban Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Abdul Ghani Baradar had announced that the continuation of the railway network in Farah, Nimruz, Helmand and Kandahar will be possible upon the construction operation of this railway project.