Commander Unveils Plan to Modernize Iranian Arms

Commander Unveils Plan to Modernize Iranian Arms

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Iranian Army Ground Force has devised plans to update and renovate its weapons with modern and homegrown technologies, a senior commander said.

During a visit to the base of a mechanized brigade in southeastern Iran on Tuesday, Army Ground Force Commander Brigadier General Kiomars Heidari highlighted the Army’s “serious and effective” cooperation with the scientific and academic centers to keep pace with advanced technologies.

It is inevitable for the Army Ground Force to employ modern technologies, the general said, noting that his forces are pushing to design and manufacture weapons at the cutting edge of technology.

He said the Army Ground Force’s strategy entails the acquisition of weapons and equipment that can hit targets in long ranges with precision strikes, are smart, and can be automated and integrated into networks.

The modern weapons are designed to enable the Army Ground Force to respond to any threat or act of aggression against the Iranian borders within the shortest time and in the most effective and decisive manner possible, the general stated.

In a meeting with a group of top military commanders in 2023, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called on the Iranian Armed Forces to keep enhancing their preparedness in all areas and not cease making progress because the threats of the enemies will never fade away.

Ayatollah Khamenei, the commander-in-chief of the Iranian Armed Forces, stressed that military preparedness will act as deterrence against the enemies, calling for vigilance in the face of the elements masterminding plots.

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