Largest Hydrocracker Unit in West Asia Goes on Stream in Iran

Largest Hydrocracker Unit in West Asia Goes on Stream in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The largest hydrocracker unit in West Asia was put into operation with a daily production capacity of 42,000 barrels of oil as the last part of the plan for the development and stabilization of the capacity of the Abadan Oil Refinery (Phase II).

The largest hydrocracker unit in West Asia was launched in a ceremony attended by Iran’s Acting President Mohammad Mokhber and Minister of Oil Javad Owji.

Upon commissioning the largest hydrocracker unit, Abadan Oil Refinery will produce high-quality products observing requirements of EUR-5 standard and worldly accepted environmental standards, Mehr news agency reported.

This hydrocracker unit produces 42,000 barrels of oil per day, which will be turned into valued products including  liquefied gas, light- and heavy naphtha, and plane fuel. 




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