Le Pen Blames Macron for French Government Gridlock

Le Pen Blames Macron for French Government Gridlock

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - France’s left-wing alliance and President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist bloc battled to put together rival bids to form a government, as far-right leader Marine Le Pen said on Wednesday that blame for the political impasse lay squarely with Macron.

The unexpected outcome of Sunday’s snap election, in which the leftist New Popular Front (NFP) benefited from a surprise surge but no group won an absolute majority, has plunged France into uncertainty, with no obvious path to a stable government, Reuters reported.

To further complicate things, leaders within each camp disagreed on who to reach out to in order to try to cobble together a deal. Internal tensions within parties also grew as members jostled for influence in rebuilding a political landscape blown apart by the snap ballot.

And any government -of the left, center, or a broader coalition- could quickly fall victim to a confidence vote from the opposition if it has not secured sufficient solid support.

“Today, we find ourselves in a quagmire since no one is able to know from what rank the prime minister will come, or what policy will be pursued for the country,” far-right leader Marine Le Pen told reporters as she arrived in parliament.

Le Pen condemned pre-election deals she said kept her National Rally (RN) party from power.

Macron, whose term ends in 2027, called the parliamentary ballot after his party was trounced by the far right in EU elections last month, had said it would clarify the landscape -which has not happened.

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