Iran’s Mazandaran Exports 20,000 Tons of Dairies to 20 Countries

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – An official at the customs of Mazandaran province said that more than 20,000 tons of dairy products were exported from the northern Iranian province to 25 countries in the world in three months.

The customs office of this northern province won the second rank among 56 active customs offices of the country in export of dairy products in terms of weight, the observer of the provincial customs office noted.

More than 20,125 tons of dairy products were exported from the customs offices of Amol and Sari in the first three months of the current Iranian calendar year (March 21 to June 22, 2024), Amir Jamshidi highlighted, Mehr news agency reported.

He went on to say that $28.631 million of dairy products were exported from the customs offices of Mazandaran province in this period.

The dairy products of this northern province were exported to countries like Iraq, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain, Kazakhstan, Japan, Turkmenistan, Thailand, and Pakistan, he said.