Iran Decries American Designation of Cuba as State Sponsor of Terrorism

Iran Decries American Designation of Cuba as State Sponsor of Terrorism

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesperson for the Iranian Foreign Ministry condemned the US Congress’ move to designate Cuba as a state sponsor of terrorism.

In a statement released on Sunday, Nasser Kanaani denounced the US Congress’ “unilateral and political” measures against Cuba.

He said the US Congress has violated the principles of international law and the UN Charter, including the principle of sovereign equality, state immunity and non-interference in the internal affairs of other states.

“The unilateral stances of certain countries, above all the US government, in setting precedents and creating such one-sided lists arise from the political, opportunistic and bullying stances,” Kanaani added.

He also noted that the US’ unilateral measures are in contradiction to the internationally-recognized norms and have undermined the basis of regional and international peace and security.

“The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a victim of such a wrong policy of the US government, expresses solidarity with the Cuban government and nation and declares its concrete support for the Cuban government’s efforts to counter this illegal US measure and hold that country (the US) accountable,” Kanaani added.

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