Iran Ridicules Israeli Allegations Regarding Olympic Plot

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry refuted the “ridiculous” allegations made by the Zionist regime that Iran plots to target Israelis during the Paris Olympic Games as a desperate attempt to distract attention from the regime’s brutal onslaught on Gaza.

In a post on his X account on Friday, Nasser Kanaani dismissed the anti-Iranian allegations that the Zionist regime’s foreign minister Israel Katz has leveled in remarks to his French counterpart Stephane Sejourne.

Kanaani denounced the claim as an instance of “hatemongering", which the “child-killing” Israeli regime had resorted to as a “desperate attempt at deflecting the international public opinion away from the genocide in Gaza.”

He was referring to the brutal military onslaught that the regime has been waging against the Gaza Strip ever since October 7. The campaign has so far claimed the lives of at least 39,175 Palestinians, including more than 16,000 children, and injured upwards of 90,403 others.

The spokesman said the allegation was a means of “escaping forward in the face of the international rage and hatred (that has been incurred) concerning the regime’s war crimes against the oppressed Palestinian people,” Press TV reported.

Kanaani asserted that such accusations contradict the Olympic charter, which is based on peace and friendship, and serve as another example of the Israeli regime's non-adherence to universal and international norms and values.

He said the claim was “more risible than plausible” given the fact that it had been made by a regime that had “crossed the boundaries of tyranny” by shedding the blood of tens of thousands of innocent Palestinians over the past 10 months.

The spokesman finally wished the French government and people success in their efforts to host the games decently and securely.