Germany Should Take Consequences of Ban on Islamic Centers: Iranian Diplomat

Germany Should Take Consequences of Ban on Islamic Centers: Iranian Diplomat

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The caretaker foreign minister of Iran cautioned Germany that it will have to accept the consequences of its decision to shut down the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) and its subsidiary organizations, denouncing the political move which he said serves the interests of Israel.

In a telephone conversation with German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock on Saturday, Ali Baqeri deplored Germany’s illegal move to shut down Islamic centers, including the Hamburg Islamic Center.

Baqeri also described the move as a violation of human rights.

Voicing displeasure with the shutdown of the Islamic centers and strongly condemning it, the Iranian diplomat reiterated that the closure of the centers is a completely political and Islamophobia-style act that serves the interests of the Zionist regime, the Foreign Ministry’s website reported.

He added that the German government is responsible for the consequences of the move.

For her part, the German foreign minister said under the German law, these centers can pursue their rights through legal mechanisms.

Baerbock further underlined the need for efforts to find a solution to the differences that have arisen.

She expressed hope that obstacles in relations between Tehran and Berlin will be resolved through dialogue and diplomatic channels.

Baqeri and the top German diplomat also exchanged views over the latest developments in the region, the sanctions removal talks, and the consular issues.

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