Turkey Calls for Adaptability in UN Peace Operations

Turkey Calls for Adaptability in UN Peace Operations

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - Turkey's ambassador to the UN on Monday underscored the need for adaptability in UN peacekeeping operations to address evolving global challenges.

Ahmet Yıldız paid tribute to fallen peacekeepers at a UN Security Council meeting, saying: "Their sacrifice is a solemn reminder of the dangers faced by those who serve under the UN flag,” The Hurriyet Daily News reported.

Highlighting Turkey’s longstanding contributions to peacekeeping efforts, he said: "Now it is incumbent upon all of us to ensure that peacekeeping remains relevant and responsive to the evolving challenges to global peace and security."

"We cannot afford to continue business as usual, not when the international landscape is undergoing profound transformation, and peacekeeping missions are increasingly deployed in multi-dimensional, high-risk environments," he added.

Noting the importance of political commitment in fulfilling peacekeeping mandates, Yıldız said: "UN peacekeeping operations must be backed by genuine political will for realizing their mandates."

On mediation in conflict resolution, he said: "The 'primacy of politics' must become a guiding principle of UN peacekeeping."

"Mediation deserves a central role and should be more widely utilized, not only to bring conflicts to peaceful political ends, but also to address their root causes," he added.

He further expressed concern over declining resources for development and humanitarian, saying: "We cannot risk losing the progress we have achieved."

Yıldız also expressed Turkey’s readiness "to continue engaging constructively, to share our experiences and to support initiatives that improve the effectiveness, adaptability, and legitimacy of UN peacekeeping."

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