Media: MKO Terrorists to be Moved to Iraqi Kurdistan Region

Media: MKO Terrorists to be Moved to Iraqi Kurdistan Region

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Reports coming out of Iraq’s Kurdistan Region suggest that members of the anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) are going to be transferred to the autonomous region in the north of the Arab country.

The MKO representatives and the president of the Iraqi Kurdistan region Masoud Barzani, have reportedly agreed on the transfer.

The Kurdistan Change Movement (Gorran) claimed on its website on Friday that the MKO intends to move its forces from Baghdad to Kurdistan.

Based on the report, the issue had been discussed by Barzani and the president of the Syrian National Coalition Ahmad Jarba during their France meeting earlier in May.

The MKO - listed as a terrorist organization by much of the international community - fled Iran in 1986 for Iraq and was given a camp by former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein. They fought on the side of Saddam during the Iraqi imposed war on Iran (1980-88). They were also involved in the bloody repression of Shiite Muslims in southern Iraq in 1991 and the massacre of Iraqi Kurds.

The notorious group is also responsible for killing thousands of Iranian civilians and officials after the victory of the Islamic revolution in 1979. More than 17,000 Iranians, many of them civilians, have been killed at the hands of the MKO in different acts of terrorism including bombings in public places, and targeted killings.


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