Gaza War, Iraq Insurgency Two Sides of Same Coin: Iranian Commander

Gaza War, Iraq Insurgency Two Sides of Same Coin: Iranian Commander

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – A high-ranking Iranian commander said the military attacks against people of Gaza and the violent militancy in Iraq and Syria are being organized by a same source, namely the capitalist powers and Zionists.

Speaking in condemnation of a fresh wave of Israeli assaults on the Gaza Strip, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri said on Wednesday that the brutal attacks against Palestinians is part of a plot hatched by the very same powers that have already waged proxy wars in Syria and Iraq.

He explained that capitalism and the global Zionism have masterminded a plot that targets the anti-Israeli resistance movement in the region and Islam.

Acting as the proxies of hegemonic powers, spearheaded by the US, the terrorist groups have launched wars against the Syrian and Iraqi governments and nations, wreaking destruction and shedding blood in those countries, Jazayeri described.

He then contended that Zionists’ cruel attacks on the innocent people of Gaza could be described as part of a process orchestrated by the same powers.

Israel has embarked on a fresh round of air strikes on the Gaza Strip after the burning alive of a Palestinian teen in East al-Quds last week sparked tensions between Palestinians and Israelis.

The 16-year-old teenager, Mohammed Abu Khdeir, was bundled into a car and later burnt to death by Israeli settlers.

Meanwhile, Israeli forces bombed dozens of sites in the Gaza Strip and Palestinian resistance movements in Gaza have responded to Israel’s aggression by targeting Israeli sites.

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