MP Decries UN Inaction on Israel Crimes

MP Decries UN Inaction on Israel Crimes

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – It is regrettable that the UN Security Council has remained silent on Israel’s atrocities against people of Gaza, an Iranian lawmaker underlined, saying such muted response necessitates a “change in the structure” of the UN.

Addressing an open session of the Iranian parliament on Sunday, Esmail Kowsari, a member of the national security and foreign policy commission, took a swipe at the US, Britain and France for their “submission to Zionism.”

He said those three UN Security Council members claim to be in charge of the world affairs, but have done nothing towards Israel’s cruel acts except taking a hand in the slaughter of people in the blockaded Gaza Strip.

Kowsari then called on the whole countries to devise a plan for a change in the structure of the UN, saying that otherwise the bullying powers will foment trouble all over the world and deprive the nations of calm and security.

In relevant comments on Saturday, Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei also denounced the world hegemonic powers for ignoring the killing of innocent people of Gaza, saying the US and Britain are “officially” backing Israel’s brutal attacks against Palestinians.

The Leader noted that sometimes the hegemonic powers raise hue and cry just for the death of an animal in some remote corner of the world, while they do not even care about the recent Israeli military strikes on Gaza and the death of people, most of whom innocent children.

Since Tuesday, more than 160 Palestinians have lost their lives in a series of Israeli air attacks targeting different parts of the besieged Gaza Strip.

Some 1.7 million people in Gaza are deprived of their basic rights, such as freedom of movement, jobs that pay proper wages, and adequate healthcare and education.

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