Tehran Street Named after Gaza Children

Tehran Street Named after Gaza Children

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Islamic City Council of Tehran has renamed a main street in the Iranian capital to commemorate the defenseless people of the Gaza Street.

The boulevard located in northeastern Tehran hosts United Nations Resident Coordinator's Office. It was previously named Shahrzad.

The decision was made on Tuesday during the 87th public session of Tehran City Council, based on a proposal from the foreign ministry, the Chairman of the Council Ahmad Masjed Jamei Told Tasnim News Agency.

Masjed Jamei said the proposal was approved given the fact that murdering children is the most heinous crime in the Zionist regime’s onslaught on Gaza.

After the Israeli military unleashed merciless attacks on the densely-inhabited Gaza Strip on July 8, Iranian students have on multiple occasions staged gatherings in front of the UN offices in Tehran and Mashhad to protest against the Zionist regime’s aggressions.

According to Palestinian authorities, more than 2,000 Palestinian people have lost their lives and as many as 10,193 others have suffered injuries due to Israeli attacks.

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