US Media Fomenting Hatred toward Muslims: Analyst

US Media Fomenting Hatred toward Muslims: Analyst

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – The Zionist-controlled American media have launched a massive propaganda campaign to degrade Muslims and Arabs, American human rights activist and political analyst Randy Short said.

In an e-mail interview with the Tasnim News Agency, Short talked about a “distorted dangerous propaganda” in the West that has targeted Muslims.

“The Zionist-controlled American media, since the creation of the White Settler Zionist State of Israel in 1948, has primed the masses of people to look askance at Muslims and Arabs. Whole peoples like the Lebanese, Libyans, Palestinians, Algerians, Syrians, and Iraqis have been the staple of harsh media treatment,” he said.

“Personalities like Muammar Gaddafi, Saddam Hussein, Abu Nidal, and the Iranian Revolution of 1978-1979 whose real stories have never been fully explained provide the stock of distorted dangerous propaganda to foment hatred against Muslims. Thousands of racist Anglo-American, Zionists, and jingoistic veterans and private contractors mercenaries that miss the blood sport of killing, beating, raping, and torturing Muslims and Arabs (Sand Niggers, Oil Niggers, Rag Heads, Dune Coons, Camel Jockies, etc.) in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Israel have joined the police departments, governmental law enforcement and security firms. They have been trained to hate, kill, and they are armed, and they know that many people share the point of view that Muslims and Arabs are evil people that need to be taken down.”

Commenting on a recent shooting death of three young American Muslims in North Carolina, short slammed the attack as an “act of racial terrorism.”

“White Supremacist Craig Stephen Hicks’ act of racial terrorism, on Tuesday, February 10.2014, that senselessly claimed the lives of three Arab Muslim Americans is a predictable human tragedy given the historic climate of racial and sectarian hatred enshrined in 400 year Anglo-American history in North America,” he explained.

“The slaying of the three Arab American youth is a ritual baptism into the Anglo-American system of Apartheid. For decades, Arab Americans (both Muslim and Christian) have been largely able to glide through the racial gauntlet of American life suffering few bruises and abrasions, while riding on the social justice train powered by the blood, sweat, and tears of African Americans whom many subscribe to deeply racist views consonant with that of white Americans. Millions of Arab and Muslim Americans have not understood that the racist slur “Sand Nigger” that they are called by scores of millions of white Americans is a lexicological and ideological shibboleth that groups them with the hated African Americans and other hated ‘unmodel minorities’,” the American activist noted.

On February 10, a 46-year-old man gunned down three young Muslims in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Newlywed Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, a University of North Carolina dental student, his wife, Yusor Mohammad Abu-Salha, 21, and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, a student at North Carolina State University, were killed in a condominium about two miles (three km) from the UNC campus.

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