Iran’s Interpol Chief Calls for Establishment of ECOPOL

Iran’s Interpol Chief Calls for Establishment of ECOPOL

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chief of the Interpol section of the Iranian police urged the establishment of a police force protecting financial transactions among the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) member states.

It is necessary that ECO member states provide the ground for police cooperation as soon as possible to ensure the security of their financial transactions and prevent criminal abuses and organized crimes, General Massoud Rezvani said.

He made the remarks in a Thursday session in ECO’s secretariat in Tehran to review the statute of ECOPOL.

“We are trying to get the establishment of ECOPOL approved by ECO member states, and then, the organization will be set up and executive measures will be started,” he added.

Member states are determined that the establishment of such organization is necessary as it would reinforce and facilitate trade, commercial, and economic relations, General Rezvani announced, adding that member states are ready for such body.

ECO is an intergovernmental regional organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the member states. In 1992, the organization was expanded to include seven new members, namely Afghanistan, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan.

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