Top Diplomats in Iran to Attend Munich Security Conference

Top Diplomats in Iran to Attend Munich Security Conference

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Foreign ministers and high-ranking diplomats from various European and Asian countries are in Tehran to attend “a core group meeting” of the Munich Security Conference (MSC) on Saturday.

The foreign ministers of Germany, Lebanon and Oman, namely Frank-Walter Steinmeier, Gebran Bassil and Yusuf bin Alawi bin Abdullah have already arrived in the Iranian capital to partake in the meeting to exchange views on the latest developments in the Middle East region.

Chaired by Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger, chairman of the MSC, and Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif, an exclusive group of around 60 participants will attend the meeting to exchange views in an informal setting, according to the official website of the MSC.

The meeting will be also attended by Afghan Foreign Minister Salahuddin Rabbani, Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim Al-Jaafari, Prime Minister of Iraqi Kurdistan Region Nechirvan Idris Barzani, UN Deputy Special Envoy for Syria Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy, Deputy Secretary General of the European External Action Service Helga Schmid, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the French National Assembly Elisabeth Guigou and Chairman of the German Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee Norbert Rottgen, as well as governmental representatives from various Arab states, numerous parliamentarians from European countries and NGO representatives.

The core group meeting will focus on the implementation of the July 14 nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, Iran's regional role, the security architecture in the Middle East as well as the economic and energy policy implications of the Vienna agreement.

Since its foundation five decades ago, the MSC has become a leading international platform for dialogue on foreign and security policy.

In addition to its annual flagship conference, the MSC regularly convenes high-profile events on particular topics and regions and publishes the Munich Security Report.

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