I Will Retire If I Win Gold in Olympics: Behdad Salimi

I Will Retire If I Win Gold in Olympics: Behdad Salimi

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian super heavyweight weightlifter Behdad Salimi is going to quit after winning a gold medal in the 2016 Olympic Games.

Salimi won a gold medal by hoisting 455 kg in total in the London 2012 Olympic Games.

The lifter tore his left ACL during an attempted 262 kilo clean & jerk in training in late October.

The injury kept him from competing in the 2015 World Weightlifting Championships in Houston.

“I have started my training and hopefully I will be in my best form until the Olympics. First of all, I have to secure my place in the event by taking part at the Fajr Cup,” Salimi said.

“I have not yet decided over my future but if I win a gold medal in the Olympics I will likely quit,” the +105kg lifter added.

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