Hacker of Government Websites Detained in Iran

Hacker of Government Websites Detained in Iran

TEHRAN (Tasnim) - An IRGC center countering organized cybercrimes announced on Saturday that it has captured a hacker inside the country who was behind cyberattacks on the websites of several state-run organizations.

The center, an affiliate of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Cyber Defense Command, said in a statement that the arrested criminal, operating under the alias ‘Mafia Hacking Team’, had hacked into the websites of several Iranian organizations, such as the National Organization for Documents and Real Estate Registration, Iran’s Post Company and a number of universities.

It noted that the hacker had used loopholes in the websites to launch the attacks, warning about weaknesses and security voids in the databases of many official and governmental institutes.

Contrary to the reports that the hacker had hacked into only a single section of the websites, technical investigation revealed that he had gained access to a huge amount of data due to the security loopholes, but had refrained from downloading and publishing the data with certain intentions, the statement added.

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